COVID – 19: Your Training at NDC

Social distancing can be a concern when you need to obtain your licence and we understand that at NDC.

We have taken the best steps possible to ensure that we can comply with all current guidelines and more.

Rest assured that your welfare and ours are taken very seriously here.

These are some of the steps that have been taken to ensure your course is as risk-free as we can possibly make it.

Training Centre

  • Each student will be fully briefed on what we are trying to achieve and how we will be achieving it.
  • Thermal temperature checks every day for all attendees at NDC
  • Staggered training times for all categories
  • As far as possible, 2-metre distancing will be achieved (except in-cab tuition)
  • Training is on a 1-1 basis either morning or afternoon
  • An outside gazebo has been erected with facilities for students
  • Office entry is controlled
  • Sanitisers are everywhere
  • Washing facilities are fully stocked 
  • All door handles in the office and classrooms have been removed and replaced with foot openers
  • All door handles in the toilets have been removed and replaced with foot openers
  • Foot ‘kick plates’ have been installed on all general use doors
  • Automatic door closers have been installed on all general use doors
  • There are signs everywhere reminding you to…
Not to touch your eyes or face and wash your hands!


  • Instructors will wear masks
  • Students will be issued with daily disposable masks
  • Sanitising spray/wipes will be used before and after for ’in cab’ cleansing 
  • As far as possible, distancing will be maintained during tuition
  • Vehicle windows will allow for constant ventilation

With the help from ‘Common Sense’, we can beat COVID and ensure your time with us to get your licence is as safe as it can possibly be. 

If you have any concerns or feel we can improve, please speak to your instructor
"Test where you train"

NDC is a unique Driver Training Company

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